
This picture is Reid's jack-o-lantern. He'd been telling me that he'd lost all of his creativity for making jack-o-lanterns. I suggested doing a ninja-turtle pumpkin. (The ninja-turtles are some of Reid's favorite childhood cartoon characters.) That seemed to do the trick. He did a very elaborate jack-o-lantern, and I think he even enjoyed himself!

The cat is mine. I wanted to make something less conventional this year, but not too complicated. This was an idea I grabbed from the internet...(yea for google!)

Reid and I, well, maybe just me, like to milk all we can out of holidays. For Halloween, I made spooky green sugar snap pea lips with shaved almond teeth and a red pepper tongue, bug juice, complete with a gummy worm, monster mash with olives for eyes, and a pumpkin roll h'orderve.


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