Summer Trip

This summer we went on a 2 week vacation to one of my favorite places on earth... Blanding, Utah!  This is my home town.  We flew into Denver, CO, and took Isaac to the Denver Mint.  Later that day, we went to the Denver museum of Nature and Science.

Isaac outside the Denver Mint.
Esther in the play area at the Museum.

After spending some time in Denver, we drove to Blanding.  We spent some time with cousins hiking, and we even got to spend some time at Lake Powell.

We hiked to a little known waterfall on Blue Mountain near Blanding, Utah.
All the cousins in the back of the pick up truck Reid and I rented, coming down from the mountain hike.

This was a floating restroom at Lake Powell.  Somehow we totally neglected to take pictures of the kids swimming, tubing, and of Reid and I cliff jumping.  I guess the restroom was a bigger novelty than any of those other exciting things we did...

We visited the Bluff, Utah fort, where the Pioneers settled after carving their way through some of the roughest terrain ever and taking horses and wagons through it.  They carved a trail through solid rock and it is called "Hole-in-the-Rock."  Esther and Isaac got to pretend they were pioneer children. 

We played dress up and took pictures by a read covered wagon.
We took a serious picture.

We took the kids biking in Moab, Utah with us for the first time.  They did pretty good.  I would say 7 year olds are a little better equipped for that type of bike ride than 5 year olds.  Poor Esther crashed probably 4 or 5 times.  But she trucked through.  I was pleasantly surprised how well Isaac did. 

Us with our rented bikes...Except for Reid's bike.  He actually shipped his bike to himself so he could get as much mountain bike riding as possible while we were near actual mountains.

On our way home, we stopped by a Mexican restaurant for lunch.  We couldn't resist taking this one:

We returned home tired, but in good spirits in our matching Moab Utah shirts.  I can't wait to wear those the next time we go LegoLand together! 

This was taken at the Denver airport right before boarding the plane home.  We had to get up at 4 AM to get there on time. 


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