Isaac is graduating from elementary school. The school had a 6th grade dance, where everyone dressed up fancy. Isaac took his dad on a wild goose chase at every goodwill and second hand shop to look for a tuxedo or a vest he could wear. Alas...there were none to be found. So he just went in his sunday best. And all that so he could stand around talking to the boys about soccer and Fortnite. He told me that he would have NEVER asked a girl to dance. Besides that, apparently no 6th grader actually knows how to dance. But he tells me the food was good. So in a few months, Isaac will be entering West Shore Jr/Sr High school, which I am pleased to report is a nationally acclaimed school. Here is a link to a web article about it and other schools in Florida that are highly sought after. We'll see how he does there. I'm excited to have him there with me. I'll have a driving buddy to and from school every day.


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