Carroll Family Reunion--Utah 2024 Edition

This year for my family reunion, we went to Utah.  Day 1 was "This is the Place" Monument.  Then we ended up at a park, singing happy birthday to my brother, Tim, and hanging out at the Airbnb.  There were people all over the place.  Two of my siblings have grandkids now, and 2 more have children who are married or are getting married.  So there are people of all ages at my family reunions.  Isaac's closest cousins are my brother Tim's and my sister Kati's kids.  At first he felt a little lost, but found cousins to hang out with finally.  Esther palled around with Tim's youngest daughter, and Jaydon with anyone who would play with him.  He didn't seem too bothered by any age gaps.  We spent two nights at each place we stopped, and by the time we left Utah, I was totally ready to be in the same bed for at least a month.  I don't get that though, because the Archibald reunion is coming up at the end of July. 

From L-R.  Isaac panning for "gold" (aka pyrite) with cousin Wesley and Ethan. 

Reid went biking in Moab by himself at a beautiful trail called "The Whole Enchilada."  It apparently has it all.

Isaac with his terrible habit of looking over the couch at people on their personal devices.  He's watching Charly and Esther playing "Cheetah simulator."

I bought this shirt at a thrift store in Utah for Isaac.  He was surprised at how big of a reaction he got from Utahns around him.  It was a big hit. (For this insider information, watch the movie Napoleon Dynamite.)

The cousins after a 2.5 mile hike up to some hot springs and waterfall in a canyon nearby.

The littles were wiped out after that hike.



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