Isaac Reid Archibald

Say hello to Isaac Reid Archibald! Here he is being welcomed into his new crib by his Sock Monkey.  Isaac was born June 2 at 4:36 a.m. He weighed 6 lb. and 13 oz and was 20.5 inches long. He was brought into this world by his very special birth-mom. We are so grateful for her love for Isaac and her willingness to place him into our arms through adoption. She will always hold a special place in our and Isaac's hearts.

So far he has done a lot of sleeping, eating, peeing and pooping. What can we say, he's a baby boy and he's doing a great job at it!  He's been such a wonderful blessing in our home. He's been welcomed by so many loving friends and family members that all want to come see him. We are very grateful for their love and celebration for our family.


  1. He is so precious! We are so excited for you guys, and for him -- he couldn't ask for better parents!

  2. What a blessing! I know your home will be filled with so much love, that you can't help being amazing parents.


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