Field Trip, Hurricane Clean up, & Yet another Trunk or Treat

This week was busy with Halloween stuff, red ribbon week, a field trip, and Hurricane Clean up.  Isaac got to wear silly Christmas socks one day to school, his pajamas, a hat, and his team jersey.  I was a little disappointed that he chose to wear his baseball jersey instead of his Utah State shirt, but there's still time to convert him.  😉  On hat day, I got to go with Isaac on his school field trip.  We saw the 3 billy goat's gruff. It was a puppet show that was pretty fun to watch.  

Isaac's field trip to the King Center for the Arts. 
This weekend, I took it solo with the kids again while Dad went off to help clean up some of the damage in the PanHandle of Florida from Hurricane Michael.  That hurricane was a beast for sure.  Reid actually got his chainsaw stuck in that tree.  It's a good thing he likes cutting up trees with a chainsaw, because that was what he has done all weekend long. 

Dad keepin' it real in the Pan Handle.
While Dad was serving others, we served ourselves to the Church trunk-or-treat event, which was strangely devoid of able bodied men...  We even decorated the car this year!  We're moving up in the world!  Despite a rough start to the evening, (We were nearly an hour late due to some squabbling just trying to make it into the car), we made it happen and spirits were much higher when we got home than before we left.  Thank goodness we can forgive each other for the greater good of the family! 

Church Trunk-or-Treat.


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