Halloween is here!

The Archibald's hit the Halloween celebrations hard this past week.  We went to Truck or Treat at the library, and then to Esther's preschool to have some more "Fall Family Fun." And then there was the random picture of Esther giving Isaac a ride on the scooter.  Couldn't pass up that little gem.

Esther was enthralled with the decorations at the library.  She asked to have me take that picture.

Esther, TT, and Isaac sitting on one of the trucks at "Truck-or-Treat."  Can you tell which direction the sun was shining?

Esther flying down the Captain Hook slide at the Family Fall Festival at her school. She seems so fearless. Isaac, on the other hand, is too cool to act like sliding was fun.

We happened to meet up with some friends at the library.  We had Pikachu, Tinker Bell, Moana, Darth Vadar, and a Black Kitty Cat all at the same location at the same time.  Who knew that was even a possibility? 

She's giving him a ride...Too cute, right?


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