Barrier Island Field Trip

This past Tuesday I was excited to be a part of Isaac's class field trip to the Barrier Island Sanctuary.  We saw old sea turtle nests, saw a live sea horse in an aquarium, and learned a little bit about how to keep marine life safe.  

Isaac's class at the beach.

Isaac's teacher always likes to weigh the whole class to see what marine animal they collectively weigh the same as.  They maxed out the scale at over 1.000 lbs--Manatee size.  

In this video, Isaac gets to pretend he's a swimming sea turtle.  The kids pick up objects that the turtles might eat, and put them in either the food bin or the nonfood bin.  They learned what things help keep sea turtles healthy, and which things pollute and harm the sea turtles. It was pretty cute to watch.


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