Soccer Season and Visitation by the Tooth Fairy

Isaac started soccer again.  He has been getting more and more into it.  I love to think back to the first soccer practice we ever brought him to where he looked less and less comfortable and when we got to the field he started crying. I remember comforting him and telling him that he'd be just fine, and that I wouldn't leave him.  Now he doesn't even really look for me, but he still wants me there.

For the last 2 seasons his dad has coached his team.  Isaac and Reid both have loved this, but this year Reid decided not to coach.  He kept telling Isaac he couldn't do it, and then the day of Isaac's first soccer practice, he hopped online and volunteered to coach.  Isaac couldn't have been more thrilled.  We made a family affair of the first practice, but it was cold, and Esther and I just ended up jogging around the soccer field and playing "kitty" trying to keep warm.  She also got a ride on my feet, which is probably what she would have done anyway even if we had decided to sign her up for soccer again.  Tried that.  It was a FLOP.  Esther is not soccer inclined.

It didn't take Isaac long to get into his soccer groove.  He was scoring goals on his first game.  He has come a long way from the shy little 3 year old to now.  I am a proud mama.  

Esther also lost her first tooth this last week.  It was SO easy to pull out her tooth compared to Isaac.  She just let me pull it right out, no crying and no sneaking up behind her.  Of course, she didn't have an extra long root that didn't dissolve like Isaac, either.  She was super excited for the tooth fairy, which paid generously for her first tooth.  At least I think $5.00 is generous.  The tooth fairy at our house thinks the first tooth is special and therefore worth $5.00.  However, all other teeth are only paid out at $1.00 per tooth, which is seriously steep inflation compared to what she paid when I was a kid...


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