Easter 2022
I stink at taking pictures. I know this, and I asked my husband to take pictures of our egg hunt this year. Unfortunately, he was busy cleaning up from the never-ending house project that we got ourselves into. So he took no pictures of our Easter egg hunt either. All we have is this picture Below of Jaydon's class egg hunt from school.

So.... I decided to retroactively film the kids and have them tell about their Easter. Sorry for the lack of awesome pictures and chocolatey faces.
When covid hit in 2020, I concocted this strategy to have a fairer egg hunt with my family and hopefully make it more of a fun challenge for my kids since they couldn't do Easter festivities in the community. I made a specific list of eggs they had to find, and they could only find their eggs. This way, Isaac wouldn't take more than Jaydon, and Esther wouldn't say "That's not fair" and go green with jealousy when someone found the egg she had her heart set on. I have a collection of somewhat unique eggs, and so I can differentiate between them on their scavenger hunt lists. It's a bit of work, but it works. Sometimes they even help each other and say stuff like "Jaydon, I found your egg!"
And of course, we always try to teach the real meaning of the holiday, which really used to be termed "Holy day." Esther seems to get this principle, even though I can assure you that she also insists on having candy involved in her annual Easter celebrations.
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