
Showing posts from September, 2017

Hurricane Irma

This past week Irma made her grand entrance all over the state of Florida.  She was a BIG storm.  We decided it would be better to hunker down in our home than to fight the lack of gas and long, long lines of traffic out.  We made a blanket fort with the kids Sunday night, and read together, and then we had a "sleepover" downstairs.  The most scary thing was all the tornado alerts.  We didn't get hit with one, but a couple of them did touch down in the cities nearby us.  The worst of the storm happened, again, at night.  The kids slept beautifully.  Even when Esther fell off the couch, she stayed asleep.  Reid and I didn't sleep so well, and we lost power around 11:30 pm. We did hear a big crash, which we assume was the playground equipment outside that fell over.  Monday morning, we woke up to water all over the street, and almost up to our garage.  The water had already receded a bit by the time I took the pictures below.  W...

One Sided Sibling Rivalry

Today Esther's birthmother called.  That happens occasionally, and it is almost always a pleasant conversation.  Isaac is starting to catch on to the fact that Esther's birthmother has my phone number, but his birthmother does not.  He is getting jealous of his sister.  So when I took a picture to send to her phone, he wanted me to take a picture of him to send to his birthmother.  He's a handsome little devil, isn't he?  All the little girls adore him, including his little sister.  He may be jealous of her, but she just loves him.

Dad's Facebook Post

This boy cracks us up. Most mornings we can't get him out the door on time, but then there are days when he puts his clothes out, including his underwear and socks, the night before. We're down with the brown in our house. I expect by the end of the day that his underwear will start to match his color scheme too.