This is what weekends are for...
This weekend, Reid was home. We didn't plan anything particularly awesome to do, but it was nice just having the family together. We did get to go to the Rodeo on Friday, where Esther tried to catch a pig. She was unsuccessful, until a soft-hearted older boy helped her get one, and then gave her the dollar prize for catching it. Isaac said he was going to go catch a pig with his little sister, but his fears of getting trampled on by the bigger kids overcame him at the last moment. Esther is the tiny pink blob right under the white sign towards the middle. She got very near the pigs. On Saturday, we simply just did chores and the kids just played. I gave them some sidewalk chalk to keep them busy since they seemed to want to play outside where their dad was working on bikes in the garage. They came in totally covered in chalk. Reid told me they were pretending to be "tattooed." I still can't get over Isaac's face all covered i...