Roller rink

Last month we took our kids to a roller rink in Melbourne.  We had gone once before, and the kids had been a little small to really skate at all.  This time, however, Isaac found some little friends who helped him to skate, and he was having a great time.  He was even more excited because the little boys who took him under his wing "had brown skin."  He told me with a little smile, "They have brown skin and black curly hair like mine, mom!" They were so nice to him. After some practice with his little friends, he ventured to try skating without the little skate support.  It was so fun to watch him out there.


Esther, when she first got on the roller skates, took off with no fear and promptly fell down and couldn't figure out how to get back up with those slippery skates on.  She spent most of her time slowly walking around on the carpet and wouldn't go onto the rink to try it out.  She eyed the games and was disappointed that we had not come prepared to play them.


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