
So it finally happened.  My baby boy is now in Kindergarten. 

 He was pretty apprehensive about going to Kindergarten all summer, but after meeting his teacher, Mrs. Lenix, for the first time, his excitement grew and he couldn't wait to get started.

He and I went to a Kindergarten screening in which Mrs. Lenix discovered that not only was Isaac ready for Kindergarten, but he was way beyond where most Kindergartners are.  He is reading very well for a 5 year old that has never been to public school before.  He has been very good in school his first week, coming home with only positive notes from the teacher.

I was also happy to discover that his class has some diversity.  He's still in the minority, but at least he'll see other people "with brown skin like me," as he likes to say.

All in all, I think it will be a good year for him.  He makes friends easily, and is eager and excited to learn.  We're so proud of him!


  1. I'm so Proud of him also thank y'all so much 😘😘☺️ Please have him call me


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