January randomness

Isaac took the liberty of taking a couple of videos of himself, so I thought I would post them here.  He likes to take pictures and videos, and I think he really likes to hear himself talk.  One of the videos he took of himself was in timeout.  He totally shouldn't have had his dad's phone in time-out, but it was so funny to watch that I kind of sort of forgot to scold him for it.  

To make sure I don't forget to represent Jaydon and Esther, there is a picture of them in their church clothes.  They spend hours playing together in Esther's room.  Isaac kind of feels left out, but without fail, within 30 seconds of him walking into the room, the yelling and screaming starts.  I think he comes in and wants to take over and that throws a monkey wrench in Esther's imaginative play.  So I decided to take a quick video of what Esther and Jaydon are doing right now.  The results tell their own story.


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