Crazy Happenings

1. We found a baby bird and took it in.  This was a dream come true for Esther.  We're pretty sure it was a fledgling mockingbird.  It was sitting on the side of the road as I was walking the dogs (mine and my brother's dog.)  My brother's dog stopped and sniffed at something on the sidewalk.  When I looked at it closer, I realized it was a baby bird.  I went home and told Esther about it and she was SUPER excited.  I've never seen her get out of bed and get dressed so fast in my life.  She named it Chirp-Chirp after the sounds it continuously made.  

2. There was a freak hailstorm.  I was in the car trying to get the kids from school when it hit.  The hailstones were as big as shooter marbles, and some bigger.  I truly thought the windshield would break.  It was scary.  But afterwards, there were piles of ice everywhere.  Enough ice to slide on.  Isaac was loving it.  Unfortunately, the baby bird was outside at that time.  Not sure what happened to him.  We never found a body.  This was super difficult for Esther, but she pulled through.  


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